ways to make money from home

20 Proven Ways to Make Money From Home

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People are always looking to find work to do at home. Whether it’s the need to stay home because you have no one to watch the kids or you simply hate being in an office setting, any of these jobs could be a great fit for you.

Some in here may require some training but many do not. A lot of them will allow you to start with little to no experience but in order to reach the higher pay grades, I’d suggest looking into some online courses or training videos.


ways to make money from home - proofreading jobs online

Proofreading is one of the most popular ways to make money from home on this list.

As a proofreader, you are usually the last person to check somebody’s work to find any errors or mistakes everyone else may have missed. There is usually a team of people who look over these publications repeatedly before the proofreader gets a hold of it.

The proofreader is usually from a third party. They are a fresh set of eyes from the outside who may be more objective and see things no one else can.

Domain Flipper

This is basically someone who buys and sells domain names like a stockbroker buys and sells stocks. I know it sounds made up but it’s a real thing. The cost to get into this can vary depending on the domain names you are trying to flip.

If you can think of a domain that people will want in the future but no one has right now, it can be fairly cheap. On the other hand, if you’re trying to buy highly desired names that are already owned, this can get quite pricey.

My only suggestion is to stick with ‘.com’ names as they are the most desired and will get you the most money in return.

This is one of the more uncommon ways to make money from home but it’s growing in popularity.

Freelance Writer

I would only suggest this if you enjoy writing and are good at it. You have the chance to write for a variety of publications which would mean multiple streams of income.

The nice thing about being a freelancer is, the more diversified you can make your portfolio, the more opportunities you’ll have at getting paid jobs.

This is definitely one of my favorite ways to make money from home.

Start a Blog

Starting a blog isn’t for everyone. You have to have a passion for what you are writing about. If you don’t, it will reflect in your writing. You will also struggle to not only get it off the ground but maintain it as well.

starting a personal blog

I truly enjoy blogging so I don’t struggle with it. Yes, I’m still trying to gain knowledge on the ins and outs of the blogging world, but I’m constantly learning new things along the way.

If you want to try it out, head over to Bluehost and see what they have to offer. I use them and am extremely happy with their services. You also can get your monthly hosting for super cheap. Perhaps consider looking into everything else they have to offer too.

I got my domain name free after purchasing their hosting package and their customer service is impeccable. Any time I’ve had an issue or a question, they’ve taken care of it without any issues. That makes me extremely happy.

Virtual Assistant

Being a VA is a very broad title. It has a wide range of jobs that you can offer to potential clients.

Some examples include but are not limited to, email management, social media management, marketing, branding, and website maintenance.

There are so many other services you can offer as a VA. If you know you are an expert in an area that business owners struggle with, there’s your market. Advertise yourself and highlight what you can offer.

You set the services you offer, the number of hours you work, and the rates you charge.

If you’re not sure this is a good fit for you, there are plenty of websites you can learn more about this line of work.

ways to make money from home - virtual assistant jobs at home

Virtual Receptionist

You might be thinking what’s the difference between this and a VA. As a VR, your job is to serve the customers or clients of a business. You are who they first interact with while a VA deals directly with the business owner.

This job consists of more regular office work. Answering phones, scheduling appointments, and dealing with customer service are just some of the things that will be required of you.

Virtual Travel Agent

This is just like any other travel agent but instead of meeting clients face to face, you do your work from home or a virtual office. You will help your clients make reservations for travel and book their accommodations as well.

Amazon FBA

In case you don’t know what FBA is, it stands for Fulfillment by Amazon. This means that you sell on Amazon but instead of you shipping out each order as it comes in, Amazon does it for you.

Let me put this in the simplest form. Once you order your inventory, you have it sent to Amazon for them to store in their warehouses. When an order comes in, they ship it out for you. You will be paying fees for this service they are providing, ultimately lowering your profits, but it is definitely worth it.

They are a well-oiled machine so let them be amazing at what they do best.

Graphic Designer

If you have a creative mind, this is definitely an option you should consider. Businesses, old and new, are always looking for these services.

ways to make money from home - how to become a graphic designer at home

They could be in the market to get their new business up and running. They will need a logo, a website, possibly packaging design, and whatever other design factors they may need to get their business off the ground.

The other side of that is an existing business that may want to rebrand themselves. They already have their logo and website in place but are looking to update them. This may not mean a whole new design, but tweaking what they already have.

Being proficient in Photoshop and Illustrator will be extremely helpful in being able to successfully complete these jobs. If you aren’t familiar with this software, I’d suggest taking an online course to learn them if you plan on pursuing this line of work.

This isn’t to say they are the only software that can do this job but they definitely are at the top of the list.

You can list your work on Fiverr which is a well-known platform that businesses use to find people to do this kind of work. The nice thing is you set your prices and your terms. I’ve done some logo designs on there and always enjoy making the extra cash.


I believe photography takes a special skill set but I definitely think it’s something that can be taught. There are so many areas you could enter into this field.

Perhaps you take pics of babies. This may require needing to stock up on a lot of props. You could possibly want to take pictures of nature. This may require a lot of travel depending on what exactly you have in mind. Could be local or maybe exotic locations.

If you're looking for more ways to make money from home, check out more of my articles about making money!

Just keep in mind the costs that come along with this job. You’ll need to consider the camera, all the gear and gadgets to go along with it, and the consideration of needing to set up a dark room if you plan on developing your own photos.

become a photographer


If you have an extra place, why wouldn’t you try to utilize it to bring in extra income?

I have some good friends who make a killing on a property they only visit a couple of times a year. They finally decided to start renting it out and only regret they didn’t start doing it sooner. The thing is, you have to say over when it can be rented and how much you can charge.

This is a great way to bring in a consistent income.

Ticket Flipper

Ever consider selling tickets as a full-time job? Buying and selling tickets don’t seem like it could be profitable but it can make you a decent amount of money if done correctly.

I’d suggest starting out small until you figure out what you’re doing. Maybe focus on one artist and buy tickets in every city they plan on visiting during their tour. Another idea could be just focusing on events in your local area.

I personally don’t think you should try this out full time in the beginning, but I definitely think it’s possible with some experience and a good strategy. There are a lot of different approaches you can take in deciding your strategy so test them out and find what works best for you.

I’ve personally flipped tickets in the past and it was very lucrative. I’d suggest checking out StubHub and Ticket Network. Both are really great places to sell tickets legally.

Online Personal Trainer

This is a very broad term but it’s supposed to be. There are so many types of trainers out there and honing in on your specialty needs to be your focus.

If you are not already certified, there are a lot of places online you can look in to get that done.

There is a lot of flexibility with this as you usually make your own hours. If you find you have clients that want you to tailor your schedule to their specific needs, you will be able to charge more simply to accommodate them.

Find what works best for your audience and run with it.

DIY Crafts to Sell

You can make a decent amount of cash in this line of work if you’re crafty. I used to take old furniture, restore it and sell it.

If you keep your eyes open, you can find the old furniture for free sitting on the side of the road. I’d look into your local trash pick-up days and drive around the night before to see if you can find any hidden treasures people put out at their curb.

Who doesn’t like to get something for free that they can turn into a profit?

Selling Clothes

This is pretty self-explanatory. I know that I have an abundance of clothes sitting in my closet that I haven’t worn in forever and I also know, I’m not the only one.

There are a variety of platforms you can use to list and sell your items. You may not want them anymore but there’s probably someone else that does.

Another thing to consider is going to second-hand shops and looking for name-brand items. You may be able to resell them for a profit.

Some of the more popular sites to sell these items would include Poshmark and eBay. They have a huge audience that gives you a better opportunity at selling your items and any hidden treasures you find at any thrift shop.


This is basically transcribing an audio file into a texted one. You listen to audio which could be pre-recorded or live and change it into a texted format.

This is usually most popular in the legal and medical fields even though there are more generalized fields that use it too.

Having an understanding of those particular fields will become very handy though. This job could be more difficult if you’ve had no prior experience in either field. Some companies may even require it.


If you don’t know what this is, let me give a basic run down. You basically act as a middle man between a customer and a third party.

You create an online store that people shop on. When a purchase is made, you send that along with the shipping information directly to the third party. They fulfill the order and get it shipped to the customer. You carry zero inventory.

Dog Sitting/Walker

Pet services are great. I personally have been doing this for years and one of the easiest ways to make money from home… at least for me.

People think of these services and automatically assume dog walking. Yes, that is one of the services but there are so many more that might be a better fit for you.

These services could include but not limited to:

  • dog walking
  • dog sitting in your home or theirs
  • daycare where they come over for the day
  • a ‘let-out’ service where you stop by their home a few times a day to simply let them out to go to the bathroom, etc.
I go into full detail about this job in my article, Rover Dog Sitters: How To Become One And Immediately Start Making Money.

You can tailor the services you offer to what best works for you and your schedule. I personally do dog sitting in my home and that is the only service I offer. I have two dogs, a huge fenced in yard and two toddlers to tend to.

Adding a few more dogs to the mix doesn’t change the level of chaos in my home. Keeping that in mind, it would just be too hard for me to offer any of the other services.

Figure out what works for you and give it a try. This is one of my favorite side hustles.


Another one of the more popular ways to make money from home is by bookkeeping. There are two main objectives for a bookkeeper.

The first is to maintain a log of a business’s daily financial transactions. This means keeping a very organized and detailed record, in chronological order to easily track all financial data.

The second objective is to measure the overall effects these financial transactions have on the business. This could possibly mean coming up with a strategy to find areas that can be improved and ways to reallocate funds to be put to better use. 

You may have a lot of knowledge in this field or maybe you’re just a beginner. Whichever level you are at, your experience will determine not only the details of your work but the pay at which you will receive.


Teaching can mean a variety of things and there are many ways to make money from home just in this arena. It doesn’t mean that if you don’t have a teaching degree, this automatically isn’t an option for you.

make money online

That is not necessarily the case. Here are some options.

Option 1: Be an online teacher or tutor for an accredited academic school where you will need to have a degree.

Option 2: Teach English (or another language) to foreign countries online.

Option 3: Create an online course that you can sell. Maybe you’re an expert in a certain area that many people wish they knew more about. If that’s the case, they will pay you to learn what you know.

If you’re looking for some other ways to make money from home

My Thoughts

At-home work isn’t for everybody but if you can find ways to make money from home that work for you, that’s great.

You need to be disciplined to stay on top of your work. Even though the experience may not be a requirement, a lot of these jobs do require a special skill set.

I think if you’re willing to get the proper training for you to excel at one of these jobs, that’s fantastic. Learning a new skill or mastering an old one is awesome when you can turn it into money in the bank.

They may seem easy at a glance but make sure you truly understand what is required of you in order to be successful.

The last thing you want to do is get in too deep before realizing it’s not for you. It can be a huge waste of money and your time. It doesn’t have to be though. Do your homework before jumping in.

What I like too, is that a lot of these can be done in your spare time. This allows you to keep your full-time job while you maybe master a new skill or take the leap and pursue an alternative option full-time. Regardless, there’s some flexibility with these options.

Just really think about whether any of these ways to make money from home are the right choice for you. Making money online is ideal.

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32 thoughts on “20 Proven Ways to Make Money From Home”

  1. This is an excellent lists of work from home jobs! So helpful during this time when more people are staying home.

  2. Good list. I am a freelance travel writer and online sewing teacher. They don’t always mesh together well, but they provide a varied sorce of income inaddition to my blogs.

  3. Great list and so informative! Never knew about Amazon FBA, until I read your post, always helpful to know there are so many options out there.

  4. I’ve done several on this list in the last 12 years that I’ve worked at home (and 10 years that I’ve been a stay at home, work at home mom). I can attest that there is definitely work to be had as a proofreader, freelance editor and writer and FBA. Great suggestions!

  5. What a great list. I was actually looking for someone to do editing for me but I think all I need is a proof-reader. I have 2 VA’s and they do completely different things so there is a lot of ways you can go with it. Great info!

  6. There are so many great options for working at home. I think a lot of people in the at-risk category may be looking for work from home jobs.

  7. This is a great list! I have always thought about being a proofreader, and this makes me want to look into it more.

  8. What a great post with lots of options. I have been fortunate to work part time as a freelance writer, but I’ll likely need more income down the line. I’m going to look into proofreading. Thanks for the tip!

  9. There are some excellent suggestions here. Also, once you do a bit of blogging, you’ll have plenty of experience to snag a job doing social media marketing, website creation, and writing!

  10. I have worked in transcription and proofreading services from home and am looking for even more ideas to expand my self-employment. I think more women are going to want to jump on board, too, with homeschooling set to explode exponentially in the fall of 2020.

  11. Lots of great ideas! I love being able to work from home as a Blogger. And I have often thought of becoming a VA as well. Nice to have some freedom!

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